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Various Causes of Shoulder Pain and How to Overcome It

Shoulder pain is caused by an injury or disease that attacks the joint area. Location shoulder pain generally occurs in tissue ligaments, tendons, muscles, joints and shoulder bones. If there is a disruption in the shoulder, it will limit the ability to move related organs such as the neck or arms, and trigger discomfort.

Understand the Causes

Based on the direction of motion, shoulder or shoulder joints are included in the group of bullet joints, which can move in various directions. This can make the shoulder easily injured. In addition, improper posture and several health conditions can cause shoulder pain.
  • Stiff shoulders (frozen shoulder)

  • This condition is also called adhesive capsulitis. Stiff shoulders are caused by thickening of the tissue that forms a protective capsule that sticks tightly around the shoulder joint. Pain due to stiff shoulders can make it difficult for you to carry out daily activities such as driving a vehicle, sleeping comfortably even for clothes.
  • Injury of muscles and tendons in the shoulder joint

  • A collection of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint, also called a rotator cuff or rotator cuff. The rotator is in charge of keeping the joint in the right position so that it can be moved regularly. Symptoms of rotator cuff abnormalities are pain when performing activities related to raising the hand higher than the shoulder, for example when shampooing. In addition, pain arises when moving your hands at different angles to the body. The location of pain is generally on the front and sides of the shoulders, and feels worse at night.
  • Bursitis and tendinitis

  • Use of the shoulder that is too frequent and excessive, will cause inflammation of the bursa (bursitis), which is a fluid-filled sac around the joints that functions as a lubricant. This condition will generally cause pain when doing daily activities such as combing hair and wearing clothes.
Meanwhile, inflammation of the tendons (tendinitis) causes pain in the outermost joints. This tendon weakening occurs due to overuse and as we get older.

How to Overcome Shoulder Pain

The diagnosis of shoulder pain is done by finding out the cause. The doctor will generally collect a medical history and conduct a physical examination. Then, if necessary, it might be followed by imaging examinations such as X-ray or MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) examinations to get a detailed picture of the condition of the shoulder. This form of treatment is generally done by resting, changing erroneous habits, and physiotherapy to improve shoulder flexibility and strength. To relieve pain, you can compress with an ice pack for about 15-20 minutes. Do it several times every day. If this does not reduce shoulder pain, the following methods can be taken:
  • Drug consumption

  • The doctor will prescribe medication to reduce pain and inflammation. Take the medicines given, as directed by your doctor, to get the effect of effective improvement.
  • Operation

  • Types of shoulder pain caused by certain conditions such as severe dislocation and also torn rotator cuffs may require surgery. Surgery can be in the form of arthroscopy to remove scar tissue or repair torn tissue.
Consult a doctor immediately, if the shoulder pain is accompanied by a red shoulder, swollen, painful and feels hot around the joints. Meanwhile, you can always maintain a healthy lifestyle by consuming nutritious intake, exercising regularly and getting enough rest. Stretch muscles and joints before and after doing activities, to maintain joint flexibility and prevent injury.


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