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Lose Weight on Your Child, Continue to Monitor Nutrition Intake

The prevalence of underweight or underweight among children under five in Indonesia shows an increase in the number of cases from 18.4% in 2007 to 19.6% in 2013. Based on the results of basic health research conducted by the Indonesian Ministry of Health above, 5.7% of cases of underweight in children under five are caused by malnutrition. While 13.9% of cases are caused by malnutrition. Indicators of nutritional status based on body weight index and age indicate a general nutritional problem that needs attention, especially by parents. In general, parents can recognize signs of underweight in children, that is, if they experience weight loss, their body does not get bigger after a few months, and the ribs are clearly visible from their bodies. However, these signs cannot always be used as a benchmark. Not to mention the influence of other factors, such as physical activity, metabolic disorders, diseases, genetics, and socioeconomic and environmental factors. The best way to find out if a child is underweight is to see a doctor to consult about signs, risk factors, and health complications that a child may experience due to underweight. Mother is also recommended to be diligent in checking health and weighing children routinely, so that the stages of growth and development of the child remains monitored. Routine visits to Posyandu, Puskesmas, special clinics for mothers and children, or hospitals are one of the first steps to be aware of underweight.

Prevent Underweight with Balanced Nutrition Choices

Meeting the needs of children can not be arbitrary. Although high-calorie, foods such as chocolate, sugary drinks, and fatty foods are not recommended to be the main source of energy in children. Keep in mind, children also have a smaller digestive tract, so you need to get around child feeding. In Little Children under the age of 6 months, exclusive breastfeeding is still the main recommended source of nutrition, while for those aged over 6 months, have begun to be introduced to a variety of complementary foods ASI (MP-ASI) to start introducing them with solid foods to supplement nutrition from breast milk. Your child usually requires the frequency of additional meals outside of the usual mealtime, which is three times a day. Add at least three times a snack (snack) with smaller portions every day to increase their energy intake. Take care of your child's diet to consist of the following food compositions:
  • Give exclusive breastfeeding regularly to your baby under the age of 6 months.
  • Composition of fruits and vegetables as much as 5 servings every day.
  • Carbohydrate sources, such as rice, potatoes, bread, and pasta.
  • Sources of protein, such as beans, fish, eggs (two servings / week) and meat.
  • Liquids, for example as much as 6-8 glasses of water / cup per day.
  • Special formula milk can be given as a nutritional supplement, adjusting to the doctor's advice to catch up on your child's weight based on age and nutritional status.
  • Dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt.
Remember, don't let your child eat fast food just because you want to gain weight. Do not also provide additional nutrients other than breast milk to babies under 6 months of age, outside of the doctor's recommendation, bearing in mind that the digestive tract is not ready to digest the intake of complex foods and drinks. Mother must be careful to choose a good source of nutrition for growth and development and also the health of your child to avoid malnutrition or vice versa, obesity. If with various efforts made, the weight of the little one is still not handled, then the Mother is recommended to bring the Little One to be re-examined by a pediatrician, so that it can be examined carefully to determine the plan to improve the Little One's nutrition.


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